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About ENRICH Scotland

Graphic showing the layers of ENRICH Scotland resources - Partners in Research, Research Ready care Homes, Research Forum, Care Home Innovation Partnership, and Steering Group

The network brings together care home staff, residents and researchers to facilitate the design and delivery of research, to improve the quality of life, treatments and care for all residents. ENRICH Scotland works closely with NHS Research Scotland's Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network, the Ageing Specialty Group and the Primary Care Network, and is co-chaired by Dr Emma Law and Professor Susan Shenkin.

The Forum works collaboratively with NIHR ENRICH, making this uniquely fit for Scottish care homes, to establish which homes are ready to practice research.

There are now two Care Home Innovation Partnerships (CHIPs) working with ENRICH Scotland. The first CHIP was founded in 2018 in Lothian by Dr Jo Hockley and a group of managers from care homes interested in developing care home-led tests of change. This model has proved so successful, it has now been replicated in Glasgow City, with plans for more across Scotland.

Care Homes involved with the Lothian CHIP include St Raphaels; Cluny Lodge; Manor Grange; Braeburn; Chamberlain and Erskine Edinburgh. The Lothian Care Homes website is a useful and up to date resource for finding out more about the current work.

Care Homes involved with the Glasgow City CHIP include Riverside House; Orchard Grove House; Victoria Gardens Care Home; Hawthorn House; and Meadowburn Care Home.

Contact us if you have questions about any aspect of our work

Studies we support

ENRICH Scotland supports a variety of studies taking place across the countries care home landscape. Details of current studies can be found in the listing below.

Reports that have recently been published as results of care home research ENRICH Scotland was either directly or indirectly involved in include:

The British Society of Gerontology (BSG) Care Home Research Blog has lots of interesting posts, including one from Professor Susan Shenkin (ENRICH Scotland's co-chair) and another from Dr Tamara Backhouse, who started working as a care assistant and is now a Research Fellow at the University of East Anglia. Her research focuses on dementia care in care homes and homecare.

The perceptions of residents, staff, managers and owners of right-based concepts and their realisation in practice in care homes for older people in Scotland

Fiona Clark from the University of Dundee is looking for care homes in the tayside area to participate in this study looking at how ‘rights’ are understood by those who live and work in residential care for older people in Scotland. The study would involve Fiona coming into the care home to observe and assist in practical tasks such as serving teas and coffees, chatting to residents and staff and perhaps leading an activity with a small group of residents, if they and staff would welcome this. Fiona would then use information gathered from this, to do some short semi-structured interviews with residents, staff and the care home manager and owner where appropriateThe best way to facilitate the above would be discussed with the care home manager and staff. The pattern of contact and the researcher's role would be negotiated with each of the care home managers individually to ensure the least disruption for residents and staff, but she would aim to be present on different days and during different times of the day. 

If you are interested in taking part, or would like more information, please email

An investigation into the experiences of registered nurses and social care staff supporting student nurses on placement in social care settings across Scotland

Dr Tamsin Smith from The Open University in Scotland is conducting a study to find out the experiences of practice supervisors/ practice assessors supporting student nurses on placement in non NHS settings. Participation involves completing an online survey (around 15 mins). In addition to this, there is an option for staff to give further information in an individual interview on the phone/teams, this would take no more than 1 hour. 

If you are interested in taking part in the study, or would like more information, Tamsin can be contacted on

Exploring drug use in later life

Asena Turkman would like to speak to people over who use or have used drugs in the past. Participation would involve a 1-2 hour interview with the researcher. Your answers will be protected, confidential and anonymised. You are free to skip any questions you do not want to answer. Participants will be compensated for their time and inconvenience with an Amazon eGift Voucher.

 If you are interested, or for more information, please contact Asena Merve Turkman (PHD researcher) on

Exploring Advance Care Planning Education Delivered by Hospice Specialists to Care Home Staff in Post Pandemic Conditions

Dr Adam Spacey from the University of Salford has developed a survey for care home staff. This survey is exploring advance care planning education delivered by hospice specialists to care home staff in post pandemic conditions. The data gathered from the anonymous survey will be used to inform future advance care planning education and practice. This study follows on from findings from a literature review. It takes about 15 mins to complete so you can enjoy a coffee while filling it in. If you would like any further additional information, please contact Dr Spacey via email,